How LLM, Generative AI Image/Video, and Blockchain will Change the World in the Next 3 Years

How LLM, Generative AI, and Blockchain are Going to Change the World in the Next 3 Years

It’s often said that the world changes more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 10 years. This rings especially true with the rapid development of technology like LLM (Large Language Models), Generative AI image/video generation, and blockchain. In the next three years, these technologies are likely to change the world more than it has in the past 10 years.

However, these technologies aren’t made equally. They often work together to create a larger impact on the world, with each technology reinforcing the positive effects of another. They also often have a negative side, making the effects of the other technologies worse.

In this post, we’ll discuss the potential impact of these technologies, as well as their potential shortcomings. We’ll focus on LLMs, generative AI image/video generation, and blockchain.

LLMs (Large Language Models)

Steve Jobs famously said that the computer is a “bicycle for the mind”–a tool to make humans more efficient in writing. LLMs, or Large Language Models, are the acceleration of the bicycle for the mind. LLMs allow humans to write more quickly and eloquently than ever before by relying on AI assistance.

The best writing won’t be entirely written by AI, however. It’ll be a collaboration between human and AI, with humans relying on AI to help them write better and faster. But this collaboration has its drawbacks, like the potential for cheating, and more effective misinformation.

Potential for Cheating

Cheating will be easier than ever before with LLMs. Students will be able to rely on LLMs to help them quickly write essays for their homework or school assignments. Similarly, students may be able to use LLMs to help them write exams and homework.

What happens when LLMs become too effective at writing? It’ll be harder to find the best writers, and it’ll be harder to distinguish between good and bad writers. LLMs that can write will also make it easier to write quality text quickly, making it harder to detect cheating even when a student uses an LLM to help them write.

More Effective Misinformation

Misinformation is information that’s false, but usually presented in a manner that appears true to the uninformed reader. Those who are misinformed are often aware that the information is false, but deliberately present it as if it’s true. This can cause people to believe the information and act on it, even if it’s wrong.

For example, a politician may want to spread false information about their opponent to convince people that their opponent is dishonest. In this scenario, it’s likely that the politician is aware that the information is false, but will spread it anyway because it benefits them.

Misinformation has always been a problem. Misinformation has never been more effective or easy to create than it is now, with the help of writing AI.

For example, a politician may use writing AI to write text that they can use to mislead the public. This text will be written in a way that sounds accurate and believable to the reader, making it harder to disprove or refute.

Generative AI Art

Generative AI image generation is advancing rapidly, and generative AI video generation is inevitable. With these technologies, we will have higher quality images and videos, as well as more efficient ways to create content. Still, many people will rely on AI to create content, and this is where AI’s relentless ability to scale and produce a large amount of information will overwhelm our current systems. For example, AI models are currently being used to create art that’s similar to a specific artist’s style, or an individual person’s style.

This may sound like fiction, but it’s actually happening now. Tools like DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, etc. showed that AI models are able to create images that are similar to an individual artist’s style, or an individual person’s style. These models can also create art that’s similar to a specific artist’s style, or an individual person’s style.

What Systems are Being Overwhelmed?

Still, many people will rely on AI to create content, and this is where AI’s relentless ability to scale and produce a large amount of information will overwhelm our current systems.

The cultural and economic systems are likely to be particularly affected. The debate around AI art stealing from existing artists is analogous to human artists being inspired by works of art that they see and learn from. This raises the question of whether this type of “standing on the shoulders of giants” works when AI does it.

The current digital copyright systems are also likely to be overwhelmed. Digital media can easily be copied and redistributed, making it more difficult to control the spread of digital media. This can lead to the devaluation of original artwork and the potential for more legal disputes over the ownership of digital media.

The Increasing Need for Scalable Digital Ownership

As LLMs and generative AI become more advanced, the need for scalable digital ownership will become increasingly critical. Blockchain technology, via Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), provides a viable solution, as it allows digital content to be securely tracked and buy and sold. This would help protect original creators from losing out on potential profits from their artwork, and would also reduce the amount of legal disputes over the ownership of digital media.

NFTs provides a way to prove ownership and authorship of digital content, allowing creators to monetize their work. This can also help reduce the potential for cheating and misinformation, as the provenance of content can be verified. Additionally, this could help reduce the amount of digital theft since digital media can be tracked and traced to its original owner. Finally, it could also lead to new economic models, as digital content can be securely bought, sold, and traded with ease.


In the next three years, the world is likely to change more than it has in the past 10 years due to the rapid development of LLMs, generative AI, and blockchain. LLMs allow humans to write more quickly and eloquently, while generative AI image and video generation is likely to improve the quality of digital media. Blockchains and NFTs will help reduce digital theft and create a secure way of proving digital ownership. All of these technologies are likely to overwhelm our current systems, leading to a cultural and economic revolution where these technologies work together to create a new ecosystem to support the industry.

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