
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Predicting intent of a search for a particular context
    Yew Jin Lim, Joseph Linn, Yuling Liang, and 6 more authors
    Feb 2021
    US Patent 10,909,124


  1. Content selection and presentation of electronic content
    Joseph Garrett Linn, Xingjian Zhang, Yew Jin Lim, and 1 more author
    Sep 2020
    US Patent 10,762,146


  1. User state predictions for presenting information
    Yuling Liang, Carsten Steinebach, Wei Lwun Lu, and 2 more authors
    Jul 2018
    US Patent App. 15/403,958


  1. Server-based spell checking on a user device
    Ziga Mahkovec, Linus M Upson, Hironori Bono, and 1 more author
    Mar 2013
    US Patent App. 13/224,187


  1. Variational Bayesian approach to movie rating prediction
    Yew Jin Lim, and Yee Whye Teh
    In Proceedings of KDD cup and workshop, Mar 2007
  2. On forward pruning in game-tree search
    Yew Jin Lim
    Mar 2007